Maxwell Leadership Institute (MLI), a global leadership education and research institute since 2018, aims to help make leadership the best that it can be in our lifetime. The institute researches, analyzes, and reports on the phenomenon of leadership from a psychological and or social science underpinning for social change and human progress.
An ongoing effort at the Maxwell Leadership Institute is the exploration and study of the leadership failure phenomenon. As observed throughout the world, leadership, as it is commonly understood, experiences degradation, harm, and failure with increasing risks to people. Most importantly, the same contributes to the loss of blood, treasure, and the right living of people globally. There are billions of dollars spent on management and leadership interventions in America, of the tens of billions spent globally. However, leadership failures are many and far-reaching. COVID-19 as a pandemic and fall of the government in Afghanistan appear to be recent examples of far-reaching implications of failure. Meanwhile, across decades, spending and development increased as confidence in leadership decreased (Bersin, 2015; Bolden, 2004; Friefeld, 2015; Pfeffer, 2015; Nance, 2019; Schwartz, 2016).
Research Breakthrough
Subsequently, there was a recent completion of an exploratory sequential mixed-methods study. As a result, after nearly three years, the work yielded leadership’s grand theory. When we use the term grand theory, there is the consideration of theories such as Newton’s laws and Einstein’s theory of general relativity (GR). However, the field has mid-range and local theories on approaches to leadership. There is a co-opting of social learning theories to help explain the phenomenon (Dubin, 1978; Swanson & Chermack, 2013). An author of a widely used text in the space of leadership amongst universities asserts those who practice leadership should understand its theory. That is to say, how it works and does not work.
From the Kellogg Leadership Studies Project (KLSP), a 4-year initiative, to the convening of over 20 scholars across years; there was a quest for a general theory that would encompass all of the leadership space (Sorenson, Goethals, and Haber, 2011). Thus, the group led by James MacGregor Burns, a leadership scholar, presidential biographer, and Pulitzer Prize winner, contributed much, but the group admittedly did not attain that goal. Burns made an important assertion, that most of the field of leadership missed. Therefore, we are eager to release more findings through the institute and affiliates.
Maxwell Leadership Institute Mission
To help make leadership the best that it can be in our lifetime.
Maxwell Leadership Institute Strategy
- Conduct the most rigorous, valid, credible, trustworthy, and quality research possible using the best possible methods.
- Commence activities which demonstrate the best leadership practice for human progress and right living of people with collaborators and communities.
- Co-create the best development methods for leaders globally.
- Continue to inspire and influence the best evidence-based leadership practice globally.
- Contribute a definition that can define leadership in any context, grounded in leadership’s grand theory.
- Communicate leadership’s grand theory (LGT) and MLI’s insight to a global community to form the basis of leadership innovation around the world.
- Create an academy to delivery leadership’s grand theory.
“Aiming to help make leadership the best that it can be in our lifetime”
Maxwell Leadership Institute Maxwell Leadership Institute Maxwell Leadership Institute Maxwell Leadership Institute Maxwell Leadership Institute Maxwell Leadership Institute Maxwell Leadership Institute Maxwell Leadership Institute Maxwell Leadership Institute Maxwell Leadership Institute Maxwell Leadership Institute Maxwell Leadership Institute Maxwell Leadership Institute Maxwell Leadership Institute Maxwell Leadership Institute Maxwell Leadership Institute Maxwell Leadership Institute Maxwell Leadership Institute Maxwell Leadership Institute Maxwell Leadership Institute Maxwell Leadership Institute Maxwell Leadership Institute Maxwell Leadership Institute Maxwell Leadership Institute Maxwell Leadership Institute Maxwell Leadership Institute Maxwell Leadership Institute Maxwell Leadership Institute Maxwell Leadership Institute Maxwell Leadership Institute