New Definitions for Leadership

State of Leadership Definitions
Close-up definition of the Leadership dictionary word

New Definitions

The emerged new definitions for the troubled phenomenon are in time to provided clarity to the field and the world. To place leadership where it should be after the uncovering of its grand theory (LGT), there is a need to define some related terms based on scientific and empirical evidence with its relative principles. The new definitions are another step in the paradigm shift from the anecdotal to a phenomenon well grounded.

Definitions are important for the sense-making, but all too often for leadership, they reflect the usage of the term in society/context and do not (a) state or set forth the meaning; (b) explain or identify the nature or essential qualities of; (c) fix or lay down clearly and definitely; specify distinctly; (d) define responsibilities. To date, we have not found such descriptions associated with leadership. Merriam-Webster states that “[i]f we define a word it does not mean that we have approved or sanctioned it.” The new definitions for leadership stemming from leadership’s grand theory, science, and empirical evidence are in the Table below:

Exploring the Descriptions Further

According to the new definitions, a leader is one who practices leadership. Leadership is a complex multiple-triadic relational practice of right-influence and or right-inspiration toward purposes and transcendence. According to the nature of the craft of carpentry, one who practices the particulars of the craft is fittingly called a carpenter. It is evident in the work or practice of the practitioner. The fact this logic has not held for leadership in the past contributes to its current troubled state.

Some call heads of groups of people who conspire to murder others, a  leader. In one infamous case, the mass murderer called himself a leader. Such terms, descriptions, and acts defy the nature of leadership then, and more so today because of LGT. When the multiple-triadic relational dimensions are not functional, there is degradation, harm, and eventual failure. The same was the result for everyone who called themselves a leader and held a practice of wrong influence. A deeper explanation of the new definitions are available in greater detail on this site or though the Leadership’s Grand Theory Podcast.


  1. JKIH


    사전 정의의 역할과 사람들이 리더십을 이해하기 위해 사전을 찾는 이유를 언급했습니다. 리더십은 단순히 직책이나 권한으로 정의되지 않고, 영향력을 행사하는 기술로 볼 수 있다는 의견도 소개되었습니다. 리더십은 직책에 국한되지 않는다고 말한 것은, 리더십은 단순히 특정 직위나 직책에 종속되지 않고, 영향력의 기술로서 볼 수 있다는 것을 의미했습니다. 따라서 리더십을 발휘하는 것은 어떤 직책에 있든지 상관없이 사람들을 이끄는 데 책임을 가지고 행동하는 것을 의미합니다.(LGT Podcast 1)
    하지만 저는 리더십을 직책으로 생각한다면, 더 큰 책임감을 가지고 다른 사람들을 이끄는 데 초점을 맞추고 그들을 위해 무엇을 할 수 있는지에 대해 생각할 수 있을꺼 같다는 생각을 가지고 있습니다. 이를 통해 이 사회에 기여할 수 있는 방법에 대해서도 좀더 고민할 수 있을꺼 같은데 어떻게 생각하십니까?

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